“The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Psalm 24:1
As Christians, we give generously to God’s Kingdom as faithful acknowledgement that everything we have is a gift from Him.
Ways to Give
Online | Giving online is simple, safe and convenient! Just follow the link to PayPal, our funds transfer site, and then follow directions once you get there or to Fellowship One - Southside’s online database.
TEXT | You can also text the word ‘TITHE’ to 509-956-4483 (509-956-GIVE) and follow instructions. You will only have to set up text-to-give once.
GIVING ENVELOPE | Fill out the giving envelope which can be found in your Sunday bulletin. You can set up automatic withdrawals from your checking account using the giving envelope!
It’s a personal preference, but here are a few of the benefits we hear frequently.
It’s a step of faith…deciding to give faithfully.
It helps simplify life…no trying to remember whether or not you’ve given this month.
It allows you to give consistently…even when you’re not at church.
It allows you to focus on the service when you’re at church…no more digging for a pen in the dark.
Yes. Select Building Fund. The Building Fund is for contributions over and above normal tithes and offerings. Note: You will need to give twice to give to both the General Fund and the Building Fund online.
Yes, as long as it’s MasterCard or Visa.
If you choose to register as a PayPal user, PayPal will deduct your contribution directly from your checking account.